April 10, 2010 - Hard to believe, but ten years ago this weekend, some people got together to film an epic stop-motion film of toys invading Lowell Cunningham's house...
But that never got made, since it was too much work - they made "Crazy Watto" instead! Here's to the little blue freak!

May 5, 2005 - And this came COMPLETELY out of the blue... weirdly enough, I found out yesterday that Crazy Watto is going to be screening at the Cannes Film Market during the Cannes Film Festival!
Yes, you read that right...
It's still a bit surreal right now, but the people at Cannes decided it would be fun to run some Star Wars fan films during the festival, since they're premiering Revenge of the Sith there, and they gave Lucasfilm and Atomfilms a list of the ones they'd like to show - Crazy Watto was on that list! It's screening Thursday, May 19th at 11:43am in the Short Film Corner, along with Pink Five, One Season More, Christmas Tauntauns, and several others...

October 9, 2002 - Minor little update here - TFN FanFilms has added a rotating banner at the top of their page, featuring some of the films available at the site... there's a rather nice one for Crazy Watto there, along with my newer short film The Jedi Hunter... just keep hitting reload until they pop up... :)

September 2002 - The Behind-the-Scenes and Blooper Reel for Crazy Watto is now online at TheForce.Net... share and enjoy!

January 2002 - Crazy Watto is now online at TheForce.Net... download and enjoy!

September 2001 - Crazy Watto debuted at DragonCon over the Labor Day weekend to tremendous response in their Star Wars fan film festival... I'd put both it and The Empire Strikes Quack in at the track director's request since they're both popular, but entered as non-competing, since I didn't need the home editing software they were awarding... Good thing, too, as she told be TESQ would have been the clear winner by a long shot otherwise... as it was, a pretty good documentary called Millennium's End: The Fandom Menace won...

July 2001 - I shot bits for a possible second Crazy Watto short out in LA, with the little blue creep in front of Mann's Chinese Theater, the Hollywood sign, Griffith Observatory, Walt Disney Studios, the Warner Bros. watertower and backlot, and Mike Jittlov(!)... I don't know how or if we'll use any of this stuff, as we eventually had two Wattos circling the globe this summer, with Robert Alley shooting him at locations across America, Sandy shooting stuff around San Francisco, and Audrey Williams taking him to Japan...