UPDATE: August 23, 2010 - And coming back up from the depths of "time" to post some news - it seems
TIME magazine decided to do an online piece on "The Top 10 Star Wars Fan Films", and
The Jedi Hunter came in at #9 on their list! I was interviewed on camera for the piece, and you can see me
very briefly in it right

UPDATE: March 28, 2005 - And here's a reference out of nowhere... there's a story about the 2005 Official Star Wars Fanfilm Awards in yesterday's New York Post, and Jedi Hunter is one of the three films they mention as being representative of the genre... you can read the article here.

UPDATE: Febrary 27, 2005 - Now this was a surprise... Star Wars-themed game controllers, designed with the cooperation of LucasArts to integrate with the Episode III videogame, and they're called "The Jedi Hunter"... I'm 99% sure it's got nothing to do with our little movie, but hey, still neat... I may have to get one of these...
Here's a link to a story on the controllers, with some more pictures...

UPDATE: October 26, 2004 - Okay, this one I didn't see coming... Atomfilms and LucasArts have put up a list of what they picked as "The Top Ten Star Wars Fan Films of All Time", and The Jedi Hunter is one of the ones listed... there's no ranking of the films in the list, but The Jedi Hunter has prominent placement at the top of the page... coolness!

UPDATE: June 9, 2004 - The Jedi Hunter is back on the film festival circuit again... It's playing at various times this weekend at the FanzillaCon Fan Film Festival in Worchester, Massachusetts.
It'll also be running (along with Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline and a new preview of American Scary) Saturday, June 26 at the Secret City Film Festival in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

UPDATE: January 27, 2004 - Atomfilms just recently started a new section of the site called Focus, where they highlight the filmmakers behind the popular and/or award-winning films on the site... Well, the second round of articles is up, and for some crazy reason this time around they decided to feature me, The Jedi Hunter and my other Star Wars parodies, and my thoughts on the parody genre... You can check it out here.

UPDATE: December 10, 2003 - The Jedi Hunter showed up in another set of rankings over at Atomfilms again - after dropping to the #5 *action* film on the site, it's now showing up as the #3 *comedy* on the site... that one makes a little more sense to me...
Also, the article on the 2003 Lucasfilm contest in the Star Wars Insider magazine is on the newsstands now...

UPDATE: November 17, 2003 - The latest issue of the Star Wars Insider started arriving in subscribers mailboxes this past weekend, with an eight page article on many of the finalists in this year's Official Fan Film Awards. The Jedi Hunter is featured pretty big in the article - nearly 3/4 of a page of pictures, and a separate sidebar where I explain the Peter Mayhew connection, plus a large highlighted quote from Sandy about Crazy Watto.
Click on the images to see scans of two of the more prominent mentions, or just go to the newsstand (it should be out within the next week or two) and get a copy!

UPDATE: November 4, 2003 - Some general updates and such...
The Jedi Hunter showed up in the rankings over at Atomfilms again - this time, oddly enough, as the #3 *action* film on the site...
Also, the film will be featured in an article on the 2003 Lucasfilm contest in an upcoming issue of Star Wars Insider magazine... it should be on the stands in a few weeks...
Although the film didn't win anything at Sidewalk, it was well-receieved by the crowd, and got some good write-ups, like this one.

UPDATE: August 6, 2003 - The Jedi Hunter has been accepted into competition at the Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival in Birmingham, June 26-29. I'll post showtimes and venues when I find out what they are...

UPDATE: July 28, 2003 - Lucasfilm announced the winners of the 2003 Star Wars FanFilm Awards July 17th at ComicCon International in San Diego, and The Jedi Hunter won the Audience Choice Award! I would have posted the news sooner, but I've been on the road filming American Scary, and haven't been able to update the page!
Lowell, Dorothy, Sandy and I were all in attendance at the ceremony, and Scott Roesch from Atomfilms presented the award... I'm told I said something intelligible and appropriate when I spoke, but all I can remember saying is "Crikey!"
We had a great time before and after the ceremony, tho, as we had dinner beforehand with Pink 5's Trey Stokes and Amy Earhart (who won the George Lucas Select Award), and afterwards hung out in a bar with Trey, Amy, and Marc Rusciano (whose film Carbonite won the Skywalker Sound Award) until sometime past 2am... which was 5am for me, as I was still on Eastern time at that point...
There's a bunch of pictures from the ceremony and the trip added up in the images section above, so click on over there to check them out...

Congratulations to all the winners:
* Spirit of Fandom - Silent But Deadly 2
* Best Commercial Parody - Dark Side Switch Campaign
* Pioneer Award - Hardware Wars
* Best Animation - Trooper Clerks
* Audience Choice Award - The Jedi Hunter
* Skywalker Sound Award - Carbonite
* George Lucas Select Award - Pink Five

UPDATE: July 2, 2003 - FilmThreat got ahold of The Jedi Hunter and gave us a glowing review... four stars out of five... and there's an even better review of Crazy Watto over there! Click here to go read them!

UPDATE: June 30, 2003 - The Jedi Hunter picked up two awards at the Dahlonega International Film Festival this past weekend. It got the award for Best Special Effects, and at the end of the awards ceremony, I got a Special Award for Artistic Merit for "excellence in spoofery" from the festival organizers... cool stuff!

UPDATE: June 24, 2003 - The Jedi Hunter is now online at Atomfilms, and the voting is on! Please, support us with a #1 vote in the Audience Awards!
UPDATED AGAIN - I did an interview this morning for WBIR's Live at Five, and they did an on-air feature on The Jedi Hunter and the Lucasfilm contest tonight... click here to watch it!
Also, we're also pictured (along with many of the other entries) on the main page at StarWars.com now!
UPDATE: May 30, 2003 -
The Jedi Hunter has been accepted (along with
Crazy Watto) into Lucasfilm's 2003 Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards! I made some minor changes to a few shots, and the MOB Studio guys did a completely new score for it... it sounds MUCH better now! Look for it to show up over at Atomfilms with all the other finalists on June 24...

UPDATE: April 30, 2003 - The Jedi Hunter has been accepted (along with Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline) into the Dahlonega International Film Festival in Georgia, June 26-29. It'll be playing on Saturday and Sunday at noon both days in the Hoag Auditorium.

UPDATE: March 15, 2003 - If you'd like to see The Jedi Hunter on the
big screen, it will showing at the Valleyfest Independent Film Festival in Knoxville, TN, April 9-13, along with
Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline... Showtimes are 9:15pm Thursday, April 10 in TheaterA, with a Q&A with the
cast & crew to follow, and again 9pm Saturday, April 12 in TheaterB... Click on the logo to the right to go to the festival website...
I'll have some freebies to give away at the first screening as well... so if you're in the area, come watch it
with us... just no heckling...

UPDATE: October 17, 2002 - And now, the stuff that DIDN'T get into the film...
it's THE BLOOPER REEL for The Jedi Hunter! All the embarrassing moments, flubbed lines, dropped lightsabers,
and low-flying airplanes bent on disrupting our filming... it's available for download now on TheForce.Net
here - just scroll down the page and
click on the image you see to the right...

UPDATE: October 9, 2002 - Minor little update here - TFN FanFilms has added a
rotating banner at the top of their page, featuring some of the films available at the site... there's a rather nice
one for The Jedi Hunter there, along with my older short film Crazy Watto... just keep hitting reload
until they pop up... :)

UPDATE: October 2, 2002 - Added whole slew of new behind-the-scenes images to the
site - there's a link below... Most are from the original shoot, but I've finally gotten pictures back from the two
shoots we did in California... the original BTS images and screenshots are linked at the bottom of the next page, or
can be accessed directly here... Enjoy!
I've also begun work on a behind-the-scenes video (and blooper reel), which will be added to the Jedi Hunter
page at TheForce.Net for downloading once they're done... and possibly an .mp3 commentary track for the film with
myself, Heather, Lowell, Dorothy, and Denny as well... I'll post more as it develops...

UPDATE: September 1, 2002 - Premiered The Jedi Hunter last night at
DragonCon... overflowed the room! It was standing room only, and they had to turn people away lest the fire marshals
shut us down... The response was overwhelmingly positive, which was a little unfortunate as the laughter
drowned out some of the good lines... and we had a few celebrities in attendance, like Peter David and Jordan (MageKnight) Weisman,
and I'm told that Armin Shimerman and Peter Jurasik snuck in as well... Either way, they've all asked me for copies
Also ran Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline, Silent but Deadly, Crazy Watto, and DigitalLlama's
The Formula... the majority of the audience stayed for the full program, (although a few souls left as
The Formula started, probably daunted by its running time.. boy, did THEY miss out!) even though after
an hour and a half of films the room was getting awfully hot... and then we had to run THE JEDI HUNTER again...

UPDATE - September 1, 2002 - THE JEDI HUNTER is now online and
available for download at TheForce.Net! Check it out here!

UPDATE - August 25, 2002 - Found out today that I got permission
from the band RENKO to use their song
"Boba Fett" in the end credits... major coolness...
I'd been using it as a temp track, hoping they'd say yes... it makes a great end piece to the film...
THE JEDI HUNTER premieres this coming Saturday night at DragonCon... be there!

UPDATE - August 22, 2002 - The trailer for THE JEDI HUNTER is now online at
TheForce.Net! Check it out here!

UPDATE - August 15, 2002 - THE JEDI HUNTER is still on track for a premiere
at DragonCon and a net debut around the beginning of September...
I just returned from California where we managed to snag a few extra shots, one at a very famous formation...
check it out...

UPDATE - July 2, 2002 - Something to whet your appetites.... we had a great shoot this last weekend.... although the temperatures went
through the roof, so we were out in 95 degree weather with 100% humidity... the pictures don't convey that at ALL...
(I feel like they should!)

June 6, 2002 - Well, we're at it again... even though we had all planned on NOT doing something again so soon
after DARTH VADER'S PSYCHIC HOTLINE, but this idea was too good to pass up...
and strangely enough, it's all Peter Mayhew's fault...
So... I'm here to let you all know Lowell Cunningham and I've just finished the script, and the Z-Team gang
is in preproduction on THE JEDI HUNTER... we'll be shooting in July; lots of locations around East Tennessee
this time, plus some bluescreen work for the hidden parts of the script...
Just what is THE JEDI HUNTER, you ask? Well, I'll let the image below serve as a clue...

What are the hidden parts of the script, you ask? Well, for that, you'll have to wait and see the film,
hopefully coming to TFN around Labor Day... that's my plan, anyway...