UPDATE: March 15, 2003 - If you'd like to see
Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline
on the big screen, it will showing at the Valleyfest Independent Film Festival in Knoxville, TN, April 9-13, along with
The Jedi Hunter... Showtimes are 9:15pm Thursday, April 10 in TheaterA, with a Q&A with the cast & crew to follow, and again 9pm Saturday, April 12 in TheaterB... Click on the logo to the right to go to the festival website...
I'll have some freebies to give away at the first screening as well... so if you're in the area, come watch it with us... just no heckling...

UPDATE: October 18, 2002 - Someone recently asked what the award certificate I got from the contest looked like, and I realized I'd never put it up online... so click on the icon of it to the leftto see what I receieved from Lucasfilm back in May...

UPDATE: September 23, 2002 - The Internet Movie DataBase has recently added DVPH to its listings... I'd also heard that CNN featured DVPH during Lou Dobbs' MoneyLine around the time Episode II opened, but until now, I didn't have to footage to confirm that - well, the screenshot to the left is taken from that footage! Thanks to Trey Stokes for getting it for me... (and check out his film
Pink Five over at Ifilm...)
I also find DVPH in the oddest places... The Data Doctors and Cox HighSpeed Internet had it picked as their "High Speed Site of the Week"
a month or so ago...

UPDATE: July 10, 2002 - DARTH VADER'S PSYCHIC HOTLINE is now being hyped on the main page at AtomFilms, thanks to a certain other movie franchise that Lowell happens to be involved in... Men in somethingorother... you've probably seen it... :)

UPDATE: June 20, 2002 - We're back in the rankings at Atomfilms! After finally falling out of the Top Five about two weeks ago, DARTH VADER'S PSYCHIC HOTLINE is now listed as the #2 comedy on the site! Great news!

UPDATE: May 20, 2002 - It's just been pointed out to me that DARTH VADER'S PSYCHIC HOTLINE has been the #5 comedy on all of AtomFilms for the last week now... Cool! Let's shoot for #1!

UPDATE: May 16, 2002 - Well, this has certainly been an interesting month... we didn't win, but we came in third place in the online voting, so a big THANK YOU to all who did vote for us... Celebration II was fun, although there were WAY too many people there... The Vader Hotline buttons were a huge hit, and I had many people tell me they were fans of the short, including the guys behind The Blair Witch Project...
I also made some new friends and hung out with several of the other filmmakers in the contest, mainly Matt Bagshaw and Ed Johnson from Christmas Tauntauns and Meredith Bragg and the crew from Waiting for JarJar...
But all in all, it's been worth it... someone at Lucasfilm called me and got my name on the press list for an advance screening of Episode II last week (so I've already seen it TWICE now, as of 10am opening day), and the producers of the SciFi Channel special on the contest ran a LOT more footage from Vader than I thought they would... we got the mention and a brief clip in the Awards section we were up for, and I figured that was it for the night... but right after the fourth segement, they ran about half of Vader (edited down) to make a "fake commercial" in the show as they'd done with some of the other short commercial parodies... Heather, Robert, & Denny, you're all national TV stars now! :)

UPDATE: April 20, 2002 - It's been an interesting week... Vader's Hotline has been up and online since the 16th, and the reaction's been very favorable... except from a few of the competitors who are trying to leave some nasty reviews, but those seem pretty obvious... the local newspaper did a great article for us, and you can check that out here... so keep telling your friends, get them (and you too!) to vote for us so we can have a shot at winning the audience award on this thing! :)

UPDATE: April 8, 2002 - I finally heard from AtomFilms today... we're in the contest! but only if I can get all the new necessary paperwork back to them by April 12th... you'd think that after they drug their feet replying they could extend the deadline, but.... oh well... sent talent release forms out to everyone, and I'm filing for an official copyright on this (more of their requirements)... I have to send a copy to the Library of Congress! Anyway... if all goes well, this should be online at AtomFilms by April 16... cross your fingers! And tell all your friends to remember to vote for us... :)

UPDATE: April 2, 2002 - I finished the final edit on the project Sunday (3/31), but only after a harrowing weekend... at one point Saturday it appeared that our entire drive array that held not only all the Vader footage, but everything I use at work on a daily basis, had decided to lose it all... all data, all video, all audio, everything... Needless to say I thought I was majorly screwed, as that would make it impossible to start over from scratch on Monday and still get the thing done by the contest deadline, as I had been pulling all-nighters every day since the Vader shoot just to get to the point I was at...
But eventually, thanks to a freshly bought copy of Norton SystemWorks (which the geniuses who supplied our new computers at work said we wouldn't need, it being a new computer, and the purchasing people didn't get) I was finally able to recover the drives AND BACK UP all the footage and composites late Saturday, and finished the edit on time... so, as of Monday (4/1, no fools) it's on it's way by overnight express to the AtomFilms people, so it's up to them now...
So once it's up, keep an eye on it... I've thrown in all kinds of things in the backgrounds and on monitors... and make sure you watch the whole thing... it's not over once the credits start... :)