JOHN - Outspoken doppleganger of the artist.
HEATHER - John's fiancee - originally an aspiring actress, but if I continue the strip, I'll work in her real-life profession as an interperter...
DREVIK - The Team's Money Man and MBA wanna-be...
SHOO - The Team's Sergeant-at-Arms...
REE - Pre-med student; generally butts in a lot where she's not wanted...
CHRIS - The Team's computer expert...
COLIN - A writer (not of the strip, though...
BEAKER - The Team's resident scientific genius...
DAVID - Another outspoken member of the Team... Although he's in quite a few of the first strips, I eventually quit using him, mainly because I had too many characters...
MATT - True to 'toon form, he really does wear the same shirt all the time. Thinks the world screwed him over...
THE POOTER - A strange alien turned up by Paramount Pictures after a particularly strange Team adventure...
There were a few other characters that I used for a while, such as Spaz and Eric, but ended up dropping them along with David and Matt... it was getting hard to keep track of them all, and I really did have too many characters.... The final cast appears at the top of the page...
The Adventures of the Z-Team and related images © John Hudgens
Updated: August 1, 1999
Copyright 1997 John Hudgens - All Rights Reserved